There is currently a small revolution in lighting that is making headway
in many businesses in Australia. That revolution is LED lighting. We have all
heard of the reasons why saving energy and making greener decisions for our
businesses are great ways to save money in the short term, but one of the
biggest revolutions in business that can continuously save you money on energy
bills to a staggering degree is the way we light our offices and factories.
With huge leaps in the technology itself, LED lighting has come a long way to
give demonstrable savings year on year.
The majority of modern LED lighting systems allow for huge savings on
energy consumption when compared with traditional incandescent lighting. Where
applicable, you can change almost any kind of lighting system for an LED
alternative meaning transition and costs are kept at a minimum. The average LED
light consumes as much as 75% less energy than traditional incandescent lights,
meaning the savings on energy are quickly passed on to your business.
The savings on energy is easily translated into monetary savings by
slashing your overall utilities budget; a welcome addition to any small
business. The larger the lighting scheme, the larger the saving, and with
hundreds of newly designed LED light bulbs, lighting strips and even industrial
lighting applications to choose from, the transition to an all-LED lighting
setup will be both cost effective and rapid.
Whilst the forecast for saving on both energy consumption and money look
quite lucrative on the outset, LED lighting in Sydney has other benefits up its
sleeve in terms of government funded schemes that can offer many small
businesses and homes the chance to take advantage of grants to help you make
the switch. These government schemes enLighten is one of the schemes available
for LED lighting in Sydney, helping businesses reduce their return on
This new initiative aims to incentivise companies, small businesses and
home owners into making the transition from traditional incandescent lighting
to LED devices; and it has been a real success. Business owners taking part in
the scheme are required to purchase Energy Savings Certificates from a number
of accredited providers once they have been accredited, or have made use of a
third-party accrediting agent. The value of these certificates can range from
$10 to $15 each.
For the majority of small businesses, the simple step up to energy
saving can be made relatively simply. By choosing the right application of LED
lighting, you can start to save money within an afternoon of refitting. For
larger businesses that require gross amounts of LED light bulbs, LED strips and
other specific bulbs, the transition may take a little longer, depending on the
size of your building. Another type of lighting to consider is smart lighting.
This is where LED lights take centre stage in being able to be dimmable; to
change their colours to any required colour temperature, as well as the ability
to be fully programmable using a state of the art lighting control unit.
With these advances in technology taking off across the country, it is
little wonder why so many homeowners, small businesses and even large
corporations and factories are making the switch to LED lighting Sydney and
state wide. With huge energy savings benefits to be made which translates
directly into saving money, your utility budget can be improved upon,
especially with LED lighting accounting for up to 75% saving on energy
consumption, making LED lighting a bright future for your business.